Saturday Fantasy Golf League

1 - Entry Fee $100
2 - Choose 5 Golfers each week
3 - 1st Week Draft Order by Random Draw
4 - Weeks 2-13 Draft Order Reverse Previous week's finish
5 - Weekly Rankings determined by total relative ranking of your 5 golfers
6 - Ties Broken by order golfers selected
7 - Each Golfer may appear on 2 teams
8 - Absent Golfers not sending a list will get top undrafted golfer from current standings list
9 - Season Standings will be based off weekly scoring points (10 points for 1st down to 1 point for 10th)
10 - Masters Week is worth Double Points (Emmit loves this rule ;) )
11 - Draft will be at a location TBD Saturday Mornings 9:00 AM

1st $30
2nd $20

1st $150
2nd $125
3rd $75